“Credit where credit is due”

As an artist myself, I feel that is important as a community we both appreciate but also recognise the artistic efforts of other.

None of my silk creations would be presented to you in their finest if it was not for the dedicated performers who insist on the highest standards in their art, and the photographers who work with the artists to produce stunning photos of my work.

As such here is a list of credits of all the beautiful performers and great photographers  on this site.  I thank each and every one of you for showcasing my art, it means the world to me.  Thank you so much Peta xxx.


Front Page:

Sina King – www.misssinaking.com

Photography by Harman House Productions – www.harmanhouseproductions.com


Magda Boz – www.madameorientaldance.com

Photography by Rashelle Rose – www.rashellerosephotography.com.au


Zelia Rose – www.zeliarose.com

Photography by Joel Devereux – www.joeldevereux.com


Leslie Smith – www.lesliebellydancer.com

Photography by Esteban Diaz Saavedra – @kolormatters


Briana Bluebell – www.brianabluebell.com

Photography by Angel Legas


Magda Boz – www.madameorientaldance.com

Photography by Rashelle Rose – www.rashellerosephotography.com.au


Allegra King and Erica Everheart


Sina King – www.misssinaking.com

Photography by Vicky Papas Vergara – www.vickypapas-vergara.com



Sina King –  www.misssinaking.com

Photography by Vicky Papas Vergara – www.vickypapas-vergara.com


Allegra King and Erica Everheart


Jessica Moreno – www.facebook.com/jessica.bellydance.71

Photography by Vision Xtra Photography – www.visionxtra.com.au


Briana Bluebell – www.brianabluebell.com

Photography by Rod Capon – rjcphotography.fotomerchant.com


Sina King – www.misssinaking.com

Photography by Harman House Productions – www.harmanhouseproductions.com


Ghawazi Caravan – www.ghawazicaravan.com

Photography byVision Xtra Photography – www.visionxtra.com.au


Camden Champagne – www.facebook.com/missbrightcollar

Photography by KTB – www.instagram.com/ktbsaysrelax


Leslie Smith – www.lesliebellydancer.com

Photography by Nadia Anastasopoulos – www.capturedbynadia.com


Sophie Alize – www.sophiealize.com.au

Photography by Yoel Del Rio


Marta Bellydance – www.martabellydance.com.au

Photography by JMATZ Photography – www.facebook.com/JasonMatzPhotography


Jessica Moreno – www.facebook.com/jessica.bellydance.71

Photography by Alma Sarhan – www.almasarhanphotography.smugmug.com


Zelia Rose – www.zeliarose.com

Photography by Leslie Liu – www.leslieliu.net


Lenore Noire – www.facebook.com/lenore.noire

Photography by 3 Fates Media – www.3fatesmedia.com.au


Robyn Blackey

Photography by Alma Sarhan – www.almasarhanphotography.smugmug.com


Rose Ottiavano – www.facebook.com/rose.ottaviano

Photography by Alma Sarhan – www.almasarhanphotography.smugmug.com